Now Booking Spring 2025!


Peach Fuzz in the Show Me State

Peach Fuzz in the Show Me State

Bob was my mother’s youngest brother; a sweet kid with a hidden mean streak that shocked me throughout my life. I spent a lot of time with my uncle Bob when I was in elementary school, usually fishing, going to the park, kicking around town during hot summer days, and hanging out at the peach orchard; Bobby always lighting a cigarette with a sly smile and ordering me “…you better not tell grandma…” which I never did because I just liked being around him.

MODEL Behavior

MODEL Behavior

Emily ONEMANBANDIT Smith turns heads. When she walks into a room, people can’t help but spill their drinks, shift their attention, and forget about whatever the hell they were talking about. Sure, she has tall, chiseled Ralph Lauren model looks, but it’s really her air of jovial accessibility that makes her so appealing to friends and strangers alike. I mean, she can talk to ANYONE as if they had been life long best friends, even complete strangers; and that laugh that is so big bold and undeniably infectious can make even the most socially awkward person feel tingly warm and accepted.

Blue Rice Krispie Treats

Blue Rice Krispie Treats

Once in a hidden back aisle of the school library when they were alone, she had made eye contact, nuzzled his neck delicately for just a moment; but they were interrupted by another kid looking for “The Bridge to Terabithia.” It’s the kind of love that kids felt innocuously back in the early eighties, before it got serious, before it could actually hurt.