The MB Lemonade

This version of homemade LEMONADE is simple, but perfectly balanced in sweetness and tart. It’s a brilliant way to cool down during the warm months of Spring and Summer, and an ideal choice for those poor souls abstaining from alcohol…pssst, I’m a big fan when embellished with a splash of whiskey. Thump thump….sip sip.



SERVES 4 | PREP TIME 35 Minutes


½ cup sugar

3 lemons, zest removed in wide strips

1 cup fresh lemon juice (from 3 lemons)

Lemon slices (for serving)

I bunch fresh mint sprigs



Bring sugar and ½ cup water to a simmer in a saucepan, stirring gently until sugar dissolves. Allow to cool for 5 to 10 minutes. Add lemon zest and allow to steep for 15 to 20 minutes.


Strain lemon syrup through a fine-mesh sieve or colander into a pitcher and remove zest. Add and stir together lemon juice and 3 cups water.

then finally,

Serve lemonade over ice garnished with lemon slices and fresh mint.