Now Booking Spring 2025!

The ESSENTIAL Sunny-Side-Up Egg

Growing up, my favorite way to eat eggs was always SUNNY SIDE UP; something about the bright yellow, wobbly egg that yielded it’s own rich sauce when broken over buttered toast or hash browns sent me into a state of utter ecstasy…even as I’m writing this my mouth is watering.

My deep affinity for this simple, but delicious preparation of eggs has been revisited weekly during my month long journey into the WHOLE30 program; fried in ghee or olive oil then slipped over roasted sweet potatoes, sautéed onions and kale…or sometimes over simple cast iron seared steak. This month has forced a paradigm shift in the way I cook and eat…and nothing has been more important or profound in this exercise than my recollection and renewed love for the simple, but iconic SUNNY SIDE UP EGG.

The ESSENTIAL Sunny Side Up Egg

Serves: 2 | Cook Time: 5 Minutes


1 1/2 teaspoons olive oil or ghee

2 large eggs

salt and pepper


Heat the oil or ghee in a medium nonstick skillet over low heat until shimmering, approximately 5 minutes. Crack an egg into a small tea cup or ramekin and carefully add it to the skillet; repeat with the other egg, adding it to the other side of the skillet. Cover with a lid and cook until the whites are completely set but the yolks are still runny, approximately 2 1/2 to 4 minutes. Slide the eggs out of the skillet and onto a plate all by themselves or over the top of hash browns or toast. Season with salt and pepper - enjoy.