Now Booking Spring 2025!

IMBIBE: Super Bowl LIII Inspires New Takes on Old Classics

Shall we have our own Super Bowl of sorts? Yes, let’s devise our own new drinks inspired by classic cocktails from BOTH New England and Los Angeles – I love a cool, refreshing Cape Cod, but let’s ratchet things up a notch by adding heat, complexity by way of ph Alchemy’s Mexican Chili syrup - I promise, once you go HOT, you’ll never go back.

We’re also adding essential Ozark herb to the classic Brown Derby cocktail that will surprise, awe your even your most hard-core whiskey connoisseur at this year’s Super Bowl party.

I predict that whichever drink we like the BEST, will also be the winner of Super Bowl LIII {53} – By the way, can we please do away with the ROMAN Numerals at the Super Bowl – I mean, really – I had to look up the numerical value of “L”  

Mexican+Chile@0,5x - Image.png

New England | Cape Cod is Burning

Folks in New England have been making this simple three ingredient drink for years – Ocean Spray first designed the recipe in the 1940s calling the combination of vodka, lime, and cranberry The Red Devil – people in and around Cape Cod and Boston starting calling it The Cape Codder – and the name struck – I’ve added a few ingredients to give it some modern heat, relevance.  Pretty, strong, and oh so complex – not unlike the the man we love to hate, the GOAT, Tom Brady.

2 oz. NUE vodka

1 ½ oz. cranberry Juice

½ oz. fresh lime juice

½ oz. pink House Alchemy Mexican Chili Lime syrup

2 sprigs of fresh mint

2 lime wheels (garnish)

Tools:  shaker, strainer

Glass:  mason jar, Collins


Combine NUE vodka, cranberry juice, lime juice, pH Alchemy Mexican Chili Lime syrup, and sprig of mint in shaker with ice; shake vigorously for 10 seconds; then pour over glass filled with ice; garnish with lime wheels, sprig of mint



Los Angeles | Brown Derby Cocktail

Named for the restaurants that were a centerpiece of mid-20th century LA, the Brown Derby cocktail has become an iconic drink popular all over the country – also great for sipping while watching football.  Glamorous, powerful, utterly delicious – kinda Like the City of Angels..

 2 oz. Title No. 21 bourbon

1 oz. Pink Grapefruit Italian soda

1 oz. fresh squeezed grapefruit juice

½ oz. pink House Alchemy Herbalicious syrup

2 grapefruit twist

2 sprig thyme

3 whiskey rocks

Tools: shaker, strainer
Glass: rocks 

Combine Title No. 21 bourbon, fresh squeezed grapefruit juice, pH Alchemy Herbalicious syrup, grapefruit twist, sprig of thyme in shaker; stir (do not shake) with ice until chilled; strain over whiskey rocks in rocks glass; garnish with remaining sprig of thyme, grapefruit twist.