Now Booking Spring 2025!

high southern RED BUD JELLY

Even though this recipe has been around for generations, it’s completely new and exciting to me. Red Bud Jelly is a BARBIE pink sweet condiment that is delicious on toast, biscuits, or anything that requires a smear. The early Spring flowers of the Red Bud Tree are brilliant in color, set off against surrounding foliage that has not yet caught up from the Winter doldrums…not only unmistakably pretty, but also boasting a subtle floral flavor that is all its own.

As mentioned, I’ve only recently devised this recipe that is an amalgamation from friends and Ozark lore dating back to the 19th century - I’ve included a whisper of rose water to give it an added layer of floral bouquet, but feel free to omit if you prefer a more true, honest and authentic end product. Thump thump!

High Southern Red Bud Jelly

Servings: Two 8-ounce Jars | Prep, Cook Time: 24 Hours


2 to 3 cups fresh redbud flowers (sans stems, bark)

2 1/4 cups water

2 tbsp lemon juice

1 tbsp rose water (available on-line or in most Indian markets)

3 tbsp powdered pectin, Sure-Jell

2 cups organic raw sugar


Bring 2 1/4 cups of water to boil.

Place flowers into a heat-safe jar; then pour boiling water over flowers, stir, and allow to rest until room temperature...about two hours.

Place jar in fridge and let rest for at least 18, but now more than 24 hours. Strain the flowers out of the tea using a fine strainer…yielding approximately 2 cups of red bud steeped tea,

Pour redbud tea into large pot and bring to a boil; then add lemon juice, rose water, and Sure Jell pectin and stir. Boil for one minute.

Add sugar to the tea mixture. Boil for one additional minute, stirring constantly, and then remove pot from heat.

Ladle the jelly into sanitized jars, leaving 1/4 inch of space at the top of each.

Wipe down the tops of each jar and secure the lids with rings and allow jars to cool.

Unsealed jars should be put in the fridge and used within 3 weeks.

Canning Technique (Optional)

Fill a water canning pot or other large, deep pot with water and bring it to a boil. The pot needs to be deep enough so that the jars are completely submerged. Important: Ensure there's a wire rack in the pot to keep your jars elevated since they'll likely crack if placed directly on the bottom.

Using jar lifter tongs, place the sealed, filled jars onto the rack at the bottom of the pot so they're completely submerged. Boil for 10 minutes.

Remove the jars and allow to cool for 12 to 24 hours before moving to storage.

Sealed jars can be store in the pantry for one year.
