Crispy Roasted {Boiled} Potatoes for the Holidays
Potatoes are the quintessential canvas ingredient; a simple, dense vegetable seemingly designed to absorb, elevate a myriad foodstuffs depending on your preference. I abhorred baked potatoes when I was a kid growing up in Missouri; my parents leaving me at the dinner table until I had eaten every last brown skinned, starchy bite. They quite literally made me gag, especially cold and flabby after everyone had left the table. At some point, I discovered the secret of embellishing the root vegetable with an obscene amount of butter, sour cream, with salt and pepper. Suddenly, they became one of my favorites…and are still to this day.
I love all types of potatoes these days; roasted, boiled, scalloped, on and on. The recipe below is a perfect accompaniment to any holiday dinner - rich and complex with a crispy crunch, and creamy interior. I guarantee they’ll be a hit…and that cute, sensitive kid that doesn’t usually like potatoes won’t be sitting all alone after dinner this year. Thump thump!
Boil potatoes carefully, until tender but still firm to the touch.
The perfume of bacon, garlic, and rosemary will transform your house to something extraordinary
3 quarts chicken stock
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
4 pounds russet potatoes, peeled and cut into quarters and halves (depending on size)
1/2 pound bacon
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons butter
3 large sprigs fresh rosemary
2 large cloves garlic, minced
Freshly ground black pepper
Preheat oven to 450°F. In large pot, bring 2 to 3 quarts of chicken stock to boil. Add a couple pinches of salt, baking soda, and potatoes. Boil until potatoes are tender, but still firm to the touch.
Cut bacon into 1/2 inch pieces and cook in cast iron skillet over medium high heat until crispy and fat is rendered. Remove bacon and set aside; then add olive oil, butter, rosemary, garlic, and black pepper to the bacon fat in skillet. Cook altogether until garlic is golden brown, taking great care not to burn the garlic. With a slotted spoon, remove and set garlic and rosemary aside with bacon.
After potatoes are cooked, drain in colander and allow to rest, dry for about 15 minutes.. Transfer to skillet with oil, butter, and bacon fat - coat potatoes, mashing a bit as you go, then season to taste with salt and pepper.
Roast potatoes in skillet until they are golden brown and crispy, approximately 45 minutes to an hour.
Once done, top potatoes with bacon and rosemary. Place carefully on table with dinner and watch joyfully as your fiends and family become overwhelmed with love, admiration for these CRISPY ROASTED POTATOES FOR THE HOLIDAYS….